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What does it mean to manage your apps with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management?

In today's blog post, we are going to show you how Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management can be used for managing your applications across multiple environments, no matter where they are; cloud? on-prem? We've got you covered!

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management features complete Application Lifecycle capabilities and today we are going to explore some of the GitOps capabilities built in to the product. In order to do so, we will be using the following environment:

NOTE: Pay special attention to the different labels, as they will be used during the blog posts examples.


In the diagram, you can see that we will be using 3 OpenShift clusters. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management uses a hub cluster/managed cluster model for managing the different connected clusters, the hub cluster is where Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management is running, managed clusters are the clusters that are managed by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management. For the hub cluster, see the following supported products:

Component Version
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.5.7
Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.0 Fix Pack 2.0.2

You can see that our Managed clusters have some labels, whic will be used later for placing our applications across the different environments.

Our managed development cluster is named managed-cluster1-dev and it is deployed in the EU region at AWS. We also have a managed production cluster named managed-cluster2-prod deployed in the US region at AWS.

Application Lifecycle

The possibilities offered by Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management with regards to application lifecycle are plentiful. In this series of blog posts we are going to focus on GitOps capabilities for the following use cases:

  • Deploying an application to multiple environments
  • Blue-green deployment
  • Application migration
  • Disaster recovery

First, let's explore some concepts that we will be using during the blog posts:


Channels point to a physical place where resources are stored for deployment. For this write-up we are going to use Channels of type Git, there are different channel types for Helm, Namespaces, etc.

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You can create and manage placement rules to define where subscriptions to Kubernetes resources and Helm releases are deployed. Use placement rules to help you facilitate multi-cluster deployments of your Kubernetes resources.

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Subscriptions serve as sets of definitions for identifying Kubernetes resources within channels by using annotations, labels, and versions. Subscription resources are defined on the hub and propagated to the managed cluster(s). The subscription controller watches the source location (channel) for new or updated resources. When a new or updated Kubernetes resource is detected, the subscription controller can download the resource directly from the source location (channel) to managed clusters without checking the Hub cluster first (because the subscription was initially propagated).

The subscription can filter the Helm releases to select a specific chart version. For this case, the subscription controller checks the version parameter to identify the Helm release (chart) version to select.

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An Application object provides a way for you to aggregate subscriptions as a group. It provides tooling and a console with a resource that allows for the aggregation and display of all the components in the Application.

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Git Repository

GitOps patterns will be followed to deploy our applications, the different manifests required to deploy our applications in the different environments will be stored in a Git repository, the Git structure is defined in the following table:

Branch Description
config Stores the base files for our APPs, which apply to every environment
prod Stores the overlay files for our APPs, which apply to production environments
stage Stores the overlay files for our APPs, which apply to staging environments

NOTE: There are multiple ways to organize the Git repository, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management won't force you to go one way or another, you can organize the Git repository as it fits you best.

Deploying an application to multiple environments

We are going to explore how Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management can help us to deploy our applications to multiple environments, for this example we have our application, a simple web-service that reverses words. This web-service has two releases, the stage release which is the version our development team is testing at the moment and the production release, which is the version our customers are using.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management has Kustomize support, which makes it really easy to configure our applications based on the destination environments.

As previously mentioned, we will use the same application for both environments, but the release will be different depending on which environment the application is being deployed to.

For deploying the applications, we will use the oc tool and a set of yaml manifests with the required configurations for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management that define a Channel, Subscription, and PlacementRule. Everything we do from the command line can be done from the web console, as well.

In our oc tool, we will have three contexts configured, one for each environment:

Context Description
hub CLI Profile connected to the HUB Cluster (where ACM is deployed)
dev CLI Profile connected to the managed development cluster (managed-cluster1-dev)
pro CLI Profile connected to the managed production cluster (managed-cluster2-prod)

You can learn more about CLI profiles here.

Let's review some of the resources we will be using during this example:


kind: Channel
name: acm-app-lifecycle-blog
namespace: open-cluster-management
type: Git

The Channel we are defining is a Git type Channel that will be used by our subscriptions in order to get the Kubernetes resources that deploy our application.

In this case, it is configured to get the Kubernetes resources from the Git repository at


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: reverse-words-stage

When using Subscriptions, the namespace holding the Subscription will be propagated to the destination cluster. Here, we are creating a namespace named reverse-words-stage that will be propagated to our development clusters by the Subscription:


kind: PlacementRule
name: development-clusters
namespace: reverse-words-stage
- type: "ManagedClusterConditionAvailable"
status: "True"
matchExpressions: []
environment: "dev"

The Subscriptions are propagated to a list of clusters returned by a PlacementRule, that means that we need a way to select some clusters from our different environments and make that list available to the different Subscriptions, PlacementRules are used for that.

In this case the PlacementRule named development-clusters will return all clusters which are marked as Available and that match the label environment: dev, in our scenario this PlacementRule will return the managed development cluster named managed-cluster1-dev.


kind: Subscription
name: reversewords-dev-app-subscription
namespace: reverse-words-stage
app: reversewords-dev-app
annotations: apps/reversewords/ stage
channel: open-cluster-management/acm-app-lifecycle-blog
kind: PlacementRule
name: development-clusters

In the previous sample, Subscription will take care of deploying a list of Kubernetes resources (obtained from a given Channel) into a list of clusters (obtained from a given PlacementRule). On top of that, we can define where the Kubernetes resources are located within the Git repository (Channel).

This subscription uses the Channel we defined earlier, and will get the Kubernetes resources from the branch stage. Within that branch, it will look for Kubernetes resources in the apps/reversewords/ path.


kind: Application
name: reversewords-dev-app
namespace: reverse-words-stage
- group:
kind: Subscription
descriptor: {}
- key: app
operator: In
- reversewords-dev-app

The Application will help us to create a topology view of our applications across the clusters that are managed by Advanced Cluster Management. To do so, the Application matches one or more Subscriptions, which ultimately will create resources in the different clusters so we can trace what was created by whom and where it was created.

NOTE: We have just reviewed the resources we will be using for deploying the application to the development environment, feel free to review the rest of resources directly on the GitHub repository as they're pretty similar and self-explanatory.

Deploying the application to the development environment

  1. First, we are going to create the Channel definition.

    oc --context hub create -f
  2. Next, create a Namespace for storing our application manifests.

    oc --context hub create -f
  3. Now create a PlacementRule that matches our managed development clusters.

    oc --context hub create -f

    See the following PlacementRule status, note that it matched the managed development cluster named managed-cluster1-dev:

    oc --context hub -n reverse-words-stage get placementrule development-clusters -o yaml
    - clusterName: managed-cluster1-dev
    clusterNamespace: managed-cluster1-dev
  4. The Subscription and the Application can be created now targeting the development clusters via the PlacementRule.

    oc --context hub create -f
    oc --context hub create -f

    See the following Subscription status. Note that it says propagated, which means the Subscription has been sent to the destination cluster:

    oc --context hub -n reverse-words-stage get subscription reversewords-dev-app-subscription -o yaml
    message: Active
    phase: Propagated
  5. Finally, if we look at the development cluster, we will see our application up and running.

    oc --context dev -n reverse-words-stage get deployments,services,pods
    NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.extensions/reverse-words 1/1 1 1 73s

    service/reverse-words LoadBalancer 8080:30053/TCP 73s

    pod/reverse-words-68b9b894dd-jfgpf 1/1 Running 0 73s

    If we run the same query against production cluster we will see that there is no application running there

    oc --context pro -n reverse-words-stage get deployments,services,pods
    No resources found in reverse-words-stage namespace.
  6. We can now query our application and see that we deployed the staging release:

    curl http://$(oc --context dev -n reverse-words-stage get service reverse-words -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'):8080
    Reverse Words Release: Stage Release v0.0.3. App version: v0.0.3

Deploying the application to the production environment

  1. We don't need to create a new Channel, since we will be using the same source Git repository, but a different branch.

  2. Create a Namespace for storing our application manifests.

    oc --context hub create -f
  3. Now create a PlacementRule that matches our production clusters:

    oc --context hub create -f

    See the following PlacementRule status. Note that it matched the managed production cluster named, managed-cluster2-prod.

    oc --context hub -n reverse-words-prod get placementrule production-clusters -o yaml
    - clusterName: managed-cluster2-prod
    clusterNamespace: managed-cluster2-prod
  4. The Subscription and the Application can be created now targeting the production clusters via the PlacementRule.

    oc --context hub create -f
    oc --context hub create -f

    See the following Subscription status. Note that it says propagated, which means the Subscription has been sent to the destination cluster:

    oc --context hub -n reverse-words-prod get subscription reversewords-pro-app-subscription -o yaml
    message: Active
    phase: Propagated
  5. Finally, if we look at the production cluster, we will see our application up and running.

    oc --context pro -n reverse-words-prod get deployments,services,pods
    NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.extensions/reverse-words 1/1 1 1 93s

    service/reverse-words LoadBalancer 8080:30293/TCP 96s

    pod/reverse-words-7dd94446c-vkzr8 1/1 Running 0 94s
  6. We can now query our application and see that we deployed the production release.

    curl http://$(oc --context pro -n reverse-words-prod get service reverse-words -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'):8080
    Reverse Words Release: Production release v0.0.2. App version: v0.0.2
  7. Now we have different versions of our application, depending on the environment we are deploying to:

    # Query development environment
    curl http://$(oc --context dev -n reverse-words-stage get service reverse-words -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'):8080
    # Query production environment
    curl http://$(oc --context pro -n reverse-words-prod get service reverse-words -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'):8080
    # Dev Query
    Reverse Words Release: Stage Release v0.0.3. App version: v0.0.3
    # Pro Query
    Reverse Words Release: Production release v0.0.2. App version: v0.0.2

Finally, let's take a look in the web console:

ACM Applications General View


ACM Development Application View


What's next

In the next blog post of this series, we will be demonstrating how blue-green deployments can be performed using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and GitOps.

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