OpenShift Commons Briefing Summary

In this briefing, Dimitri Stiliadis, CEO, Co-Founder of Aporeto gives an introduction to the Trireme open source project. Trireme takes a different approach to application segmentation by treating the problem as what it is: an authentication and authorization problem. Every application component, such as process, a container, a Kubernetes POD, has an identity. A segmentation function is a simple policy that defines identities of the endpoints that are allowed to communicate with each other.

Trireme's simple and robust approach to production-scale security makes it ideal for use on Kubernetes-based container platforms like OpenShift where cloud-native applications are deployed. Trireme, comprised of 6,500 lines of code, is simple, scalable, and secure. Through authentication and authorization, leveraging OpenShift labels and network policy, Trireme creates a whitelist environment where only services that are allowed to communicate with each other do so. There no longer is any need for network segmentation via SDN, E-W firewalls, ACLs, tunneling, and so forth.

OpenShift Commons Briefings Playlist

You can find a Playlist of all previously recorded SIG meetings and OpenShift Commons Briefings on YouTube.

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