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This is a demo-heavy blog. Readers of this blog will get an idea about why SSO is important, how OpenShift handles authN/authZ and a step-by-step guide on using Red Hat Single Sign-On(RHSSO) to log in to an Argo CD application.


Why SSO?

Single-Sign-On (SSO) is the preferred, if not the only, way of authentication for most enterprise applications. From the user perspective, SSO offers speed and convenience i.e. you only need to authenticate once. The most important consideration from the business perspective is the security SSO offers. SSO reduces the attack vector because users only log in via a specific channel and authorized accounts can be managed in a single place.

What are the options for OpenShift AuthN/AuthZ?

OpenShift can be used as an identity provider with custom access permissions configured. OpenShift Container Plaform master includes a built-in OAuth server. Users/apps obtain OAuth access tokens to authenticate themselves to the API.

When a new OAuth token is requested, the OAuth server uses the configured identity provider to determine the identity of the person/app making the request and maps a role binding to that identity. This role binding determines what access that person/app is allowed and an associated access token is returned. Every request for an OAuth token must specify the OAuth client that will receive and use the token. This blog focuses on using OpenShift as an identity provider and RHSSO operator as an identity broker.

Hands-On: SSO using RHSSO operator for Argo CD apps


  • OpenShift 4.X cluster
  • Installation of oc command-line tool
  • Installation of the following operators
    • Red Hat Single Sign-On (RHSSO) Operator v7.4.6 installed under 'Keycloak' namespace
      • Existing Keycloak realm and access to Keycloak Admin dashboard
    • Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Operator v1.1.0

You can install the RHSSO operator under keycloak namespace and can use all other default settings when installing the above operators.


Connect to your OpenShift 4.X cluster from command-line so that you can execute oc commands.

  1. Finding your Argo CD server route:
oc get route <instance-name>-server -n <namespace>

For example, for the out-of-the-box (OOTB) Argo CD instance under openshift-gitops namespace, the command to find the Argo CD server route is:

oc get route openshift-gitops-server -n openshift-gitops
  1. Creating a new client in Keycloak:

Log in to your Keycloak server, select the realm you want to use, navigate to the Clients page, and then click the Create button in the upper-right section of the screen. Use the following values


Be sure to change the root URL to your ArgoCD server URL. Once you click Save, configure the client according to the following:


If you've filled-out the Root URL before, some of the fields would be pre-populated. The important fields to note are the Access Type which is set to confidential and Base URL which is set to /applications.

Make sure to click Save. You should now have a new tab called Credentials. You can copy the Secret that will be required in a later step.

  1. Configuring the groups claim

To manage users in Argo CD, you must configure a groups claim that can be included in the authentication token.

To do this, start by creating a new Client Scope called groups and use the settings from the image below.


Once you've created the client scope you can now add a Token Mapper which will add the groups claim to the token when the client requests the groups scope. Make sure to set the Name as well as the Token Claim Name to groups, the Mapper Type as Group Membership and Full group path OFF.


You can now configure the client to provide the groups scope. You can now assign the groups scope either to the Assigned Default Client Scopes or to the Assigned Optional Client Scopes. If you put it in the Optional category you will need to make sure that Argo CD requests the scope in it's OIDC configuration. Let's use Assigned Default Client Scopes by navigating to Clients  Client Scopes, selecting groups from the Available Client Scopes and clicking Add selected option. The groups scope must be in the Available Client Scopes table.


  1. Creating an Admin group

Navigate to Groups and create a group called ArgoCDAdmins

  1. Configuring Argo CD OIDC

To configure Argo CD OpenID Connect (OIDC), you must generate your client secret, encode it, and add it to your custom resource.

  1. Adding current user to ArgoCDAdmins group

Create a group called ArgoCDAdmins and have your current user join the group.


  1. Configuring Argo CD OIDC

To configure Argo CD OpenID Connect (OIDC), you must encode your existing client secret (or generate the client secret if you don't have it already), and add it to your custom resource.

a. First you'll need to encode the client secret in base64:

$ echo -n '<secret you copied in step 2>' | base64

Now edit the secret argocd-secret and add the base64 value to an oidc.keycloak.clientSecret key:

oc edit secret argocd-secret -n <namespace>

Example YAML of the secret:

yaml apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
metadata: name: Argo CD-secret
oidc.keycloak.clientSecret: ODMwODM5NTgtOGVjNi00N2IwLWE0MTEtYThjNTUzODFmYmQy …

b. Next, edit the Argo CD custom resource and add the OIDC configuration to enable the Keycloak authentication:

oc edit argocd -n <your_namespace>

Example of Argo CD custom resource:

kind: ArgoCD
creationTimestamp: null
name: argocd
namespace: argocd
resourceExclusions: |
- apiGroups:
- '*'
- TaskRun
- PipelineRun
oidcConfig: |
name: OpenShift Single Sign-On
issuer: https://<your Keycloak server URL>/auth/realms/<your realm>
clientID: argocd
clientSecret: $oidc.keycloak.clientSecret
requestedScopes: ["openid", "profile", "email", "groups"]
enabled: true
  1. Keycloak Identity Brokering with OpenShift

You can configure a Keycloak instance to use OpenShift for authentication through Identity Brokering. This allows for Single Sign-On (SSO) between the OpenShift cluster and the Keycloak instance.

a. You can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform API server URL either from UI or CLI.

From the top-right corner of the Admin UI console, click on the ? and you'll see the API server URL like below:


Alternatively, you can execute:

oc status


b. In the Keycloak server dashboard, navigate to Identity Providers and select Openshift v4. Specify the following values:

Base Url: <OpenShift API Server URL obtained above>

Client ID: keycloak-broker (this has to match the name of the OAuth Client specified in step 9)

Client Secret: 12345 (this can be any value you choose but has to match the value of the secret specified in step 9)

Display Name: Login with OpenShift

Default Scopes: user:full

  1. Registering an OAuth client

Execute the following YAML to register your OAuth client:

oc create -f <(echo '
kind: OAuthClient
name: keycloak-broker
secret: "12345"
- "https://<your Keycloak server URL>/auth/realms/<your realm>/broker/openshift-v4/endpoint"
grantMethod: prompt

If the user has not granted access to this client, the grantMethod determines which action to take when this client requests tokens. Specify auto to automatically approve the grant and retry the request, or prompt to prompt the user to approve or deny the grant.

At this point, you should be seeing a Login with OpenShift button on your Argo CD server UI and be able to use your OpenShift credentials to log in to the Argo CD server UI.

  • Troubleshooting: You might have to use an incognito window to avoid errors related to caching

If you already have an OpenShift user created, you can skip step 10.

  1. Creating an OpenShift user via htpasswd (optional)

a. Create a password 12345 for the user dewan and stores this info to the file htpasswd

htpasswd -c -B -b htpasswd dewan 12345

b. While you're connected to your openshift cluster, execute from the terminal:

oc create secret generic htpass-secret --from-file=htpasswd=htpasswd -n openshift-config

c. Create the following YAML to add a new oauth CR:

kind: OAuth
name: cluster
- name: my_htpasswd_provider
mappingMethod: claim
type: HTPasswd
name: htpass-secret


 oc apply -f htpasswd-cr.yaml
  1. Log in to Argo CD using OpenShift

Navigate to your Argo CD server URL (you might need to open this in an incognito window to avoid caching). Once you click LOGIN VIA OPENSHIFT, you'll be taken to a keycloak page with a button OPENSHIFT LOGIN. Click this button and you'll be redirected to your openshift login page where you can use dewan/12345 credential (or your existing credential) to log in (configured via htpasswd).


You will need to authorize access for the first time.

  1. Done? Not quite yet!

Once you login to Argo CD server with (or your own) user, you will fail to create a new Argo CD application because Argo CD RBAC grants permissions to the user on the basis of which group does it belong to on Keycloak. In the previous steps, you created openshift-v4 as Identity Provider in Keycloak but unfortunately Keycloak does not read the group claims or group information from OpenShift.



So you need to go back to Keycloak server and add the user (dewan) to appropriate groups(ArgoCDAdmins in this case).

  1. Configure groups and Argo CD RBAC

Role-based access control (RBAC) allows you to provide relevant permissions to users.

a. In the Keycloak dashboard, navigate to Users  < your-user > -> Groups. Add the user (dewan) to the Keycloak group ArgoCDAdmins.

b. Ensure that ArgoCDAdmins group has the required permissions in the argocd-rbac config map.

oc edit configmap argocd-rbac-cm -n <namespace>

Example of a config map that defines admin permissions.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: argocd-rbac-cm
policy.csv: |
g, ArgoCDAdmins, role:admin

That's it! Now your user (dewan) can successfully create Argo CD applications and perform other actions. A table is provided in the appendix section that lists built-in permissions for Argo CD.


This section lists the permissions that are granted to Argo CD to manage specific cluster-scoped resources which include platform operators, optional OLM operators, and user management. Note that Argo CD is not granted cluster-admin permissions.

Resource group What it configures for a user or an administrator Optional operators managed by OLM, Groups, Users, and their permissions Control plane operators managed by CVO used to configure cluster-wide build configuration, registry configuration, and scheduler policies Storage Console customization

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